Business, Economics, and Finance. 13 dpo digital PREGNANT - symptoms I had Good morning! I am excited to announce that I'm PREGNANT!. Join. Sad!! I guess this one will just have to be less detailed. I posted an edited version too!After two miscarriages I am so weary about this whole process and am afraid to get even slightly hopeful ! I have another test to save for tomorrow. An ectopic pregnancy is such an emotional ordeal as the pregnancy lingers in your body until either medicine or surgery rids the pregnancy. Add Comment. am disappointed but still hopeful . Definitely a second line but faint :) so I’m hoping tomorrow 12dpo I have a darker line! Good luck hun xxMar 23, 2022 at 12:40 PM. As a result, couples who are TTC will try to time sex to conincide with this time of the month. The app picked it up as well. I think something is catching my eye! this is mine 9dpo what do you think. 11dpo12 dpo. I’ll attach pictures of my first FRER & todays positive! Good luck to you though!These tests are making me nervous now. pa12355. Lol My symptoms 8-10dpo:…hey ladies!I'm about 12dpo (my cycles are usually 33 days) and got this test this morning. 9dpo but it was super faint, like when I took a picture of it the camera could not capture it. I see a positive on cheapie. Jan 31, 2021 at 7:06 AM. Just looking to see if there's anyone else almost at the end (or beginning) with me! This our 10th cycle TTC and I have sore boobs, creamy CM, and I had cramps for 3 days in a row a few days ago. then the faintest line appeared on 14dpo. They’re so hard to photograph because of the glare on the window. 9dpo with my first, 8dpo with second. This was month 3 ttc our rainbow. Toddler. I’ve taken these two tests today, I think I see a vvvvfl on the clear blue (hoping it’s not an evap) not too sure about the FRER. I follow the "a line is a line as long as it's in time" thing, so I counted it as a positive, but DH wasn't convinced. Either I have line eyes (again) or there is a very faint line, I need a second pair of eyes please. Test #1 5:15 pm wondolfo. Yeah, I have had it happen and it has caused false lines but not usually that dark and it hasn't happened often. I’ve had no symptoms that stand out but I’ve been on Progesterone and did our first round of IUI this month. My dollar store cheapies have been very close to negative or had vvvvfl. 6 dpo- cramping on left and right side, leaking water cm, sore left nipple, vvvvfl on FRER, craving burger, weird heavy feeling in middle lower abdomen, cramping, very mild heartburn throughout day, 7 dpo- am heartburn, boobs hurt, grossed out by smell of eggs, slight cramping and bloating, heartburn, creamy cm, bloating, mild heartburn. Another common early pregnancy symptom is brown spotting which is usually seen at around 12 DPO. Report as Inappropriate. But took this & got a vvfl. Mar 25, 2023 at 11:31 PM. 1 comment. 12dpo. I did 2 tests before this and all came up with a vvvvfl but this one was slightly darker. It’s difficult to capture on camera but I’m fairly confident I’m not just seeing things - these aren’t edited in any way. Test #3 9:20 pm showed at 10 minute markFrer Vfl vs. Used easy @ home tests. I was told about this site and about how there are some woman that can see a line even if you can't. HTXmama2018. Reply . Definitely don’t rule it out as indents! Mine looked very similar to this about 3 days ago & then I got a positive with a digital today! I’m also 12dpo today. 10DPO is still very early; the blazing positives that people post. Absolutely. EmilyHazzard 01/07/21. Thanks. A few days later some drops of blood and then period. It’s really hard to see,…Business, Economics, and Finance. 2 days after! Report as Inappropriate. I’m feeling really nervous now. I had a complete BFN last night at 9DPO and this one was from midday today - no big hold. Bguibo. Hey all, I am 9dpiui. Thoughts on my 12 DPO beta? 8DPO - BFN, not even a squinter 10DPO- vvvvfl 12DPO- test lines darker, hcg 36 mIU/mL I know I’m still early but this is my…Miscarried Oct 12. @sphie123, 12DPO and still BFN for me!! Crossing my fingers that you get your BFP in a couple of days xx. Use if you need a fresh pair of eyes on your possible BFP Vvfl 14 dpo. Hi all,I did an IUI Nov. Getting Pregnant . Thanks Comment You. 15. Anyone had a vvvfl at this point and go onto have a positive? I? got a clear positive on 9dpo with my son so I’m a bit discouraged especially in light of the. 1. My period is due tomorrow so the only thing I? can do is wait. Reply . I’ve never had a pink line, only indents, so I was so freaking excited but now I’m scared it’s. I? can see a vvvvfl but my husband can’t. Has anyone else had an extremely faint (almost invisible) positive at/around 10dpo and then negatives following?20. Also 1 vvvvfl 10dpo and two bfn 11dpo and 12dpo. Add Comment ©2022 Glow®, Inc. I woke up the day after O day with tender boobs and I’ve had creamy CM and mild cramps. I want success stories if anyone has them, I’m 13dpo today but tested negative yesterday at 12dpo with frer. I know it’s silly for me to test so early, but after 3 losses last year, I’m supposed to start Lovenox as soon as we confirm pregnancy. Toddler Sleep. This morning I caved and. Bleeding is caused when the fertilized egg attaches itself into the inner lining of the uterine wall since this. Faint line 11dpo morning. sad it's not darkeningThoughts? 12 DPO, VVVVFL came up within 3 minutes. I'm 12 dpo and got a very light line this morning in the hpt. With my girls I knew from 8-10dpo. sunrisechaser @Britg93, congratulations!! Report as Inappropriate. My cycles usually last between 30-32 days, so AF due on. Spotting. Vvvfl 15 DPO and 2nd Missed AF Day. . Cramps like period cramps (cramping 12 DPO) Tender breasts at 12 DPO (If you are experiencing less breast pain, our article decreased breast tenderness in early pregnancy may explain. It’s still most reliable to. Comment. So I’ve had mild cramps pretty much since 2 dpo, but they peaked around 5-8 dpo, with 7-8 dpo being the most intense/noticeable (but still mild). 6 was my beta. 7k members in the TFABLinePorn community. Share your thoughts living the best life here. Spotted after sex last night. I wrote a whole post earlier that deleted as soon as I tried to post it. Same here . late BFP could just mean you ovulated later than you thought, or lower HCG which means nothing. Indent vs vvvfl. 10dpo - frer had a vvvvfl and cb says negative. Ashlyn • Mon, Apr 01. Do I have major line eyes or is there something there?? Lol. . When you hit 12 DPO, you’re in prime territory for early symptoms and a possible positive result on your pregnancy test. St. I’m having cramping, mostly mild and just achy feeling, but occasionally I’ll get a little bit more of a feeling with it too, it’s off and on for 2 days now (12dpo, vvvvfl at 10dpo). At 11 dpo was negative. Feeling hot, out of breath, crampy, moody, sleepy, and the list goes on. (When I am not pregnant, no lines show up). The FRER is supposed to be sensitive to 12. I'm 5weeks pregnant and my very first symptoms were headaches 4,5, and 6 dpo. I can see a very faint line on both tests. Vvvfl on both!?4 votes and 2 comments so far on Reddit10 & 11DPO vvvvfl I swear I see something but I'm afraid it's not really there. Reply. I feel like I see it but…Hii! So I had a cold around 6/7dpo that lasted until 11/12 dpo. Then at dpo10 and 11, i had sore and bleeding gums. Normally I symptom spot like crazy, which is tough because I always have tons of PMS symptoms. You’re not out yet ☺️ I’m 6 DPO but only CD 28 this go round. These are easier to interpret than a faint line, as they state whether or not you are pregnant. This morning I decided to take my first frer. I’m really trying to stay positive, but I’m feeling like if it was there it would show by now, so I’m feeling quite disappointed and dejected, especially seeing so many people test. All showed up in the 3-5 min test time. You are most fertile six days before and on the day of ovulation. Doctor said there were multiple follicles but none were where she’d like them to be and sent me on my way. But, I know there’s got to be a big group of people that don’t actually get positives until closer to their missed period. 0. Lol My symptoms 8-10dpo: Twinge in left hip around 7dpo Sore. Tracked ovulation and it should put me at 8DPO. Now I'm 12dpo, AF supposed to come on Monday (Aug 15th) and I got a BFN this morning. Following! I had a vvvvfl this morning on my pregmate test, 9DPO and within the time frame. Lol My symptoms 8-10dpo:…mummytosquidgies · 11/08/2010 21:54. I became 100% sure that I had conceived because these were the same symptoms I had in my first pregnancy. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. I’m also 9dpo trying for 4th baby/5th pregnancy. First pregnancy wasn’t tracking dpos lol. In my research, I found that those Dollar General tests are only sensitive to 100. MommaBrook2Be. They seem like vvfl for 12 dpo. ChristinaCrozier. 20. Do you think it's positive or it's an…I wrote a whole post earlier that deleted as soon as I tried to post it. Sometimes its mixed with creamy but there is always lots of stretch. Mar 22, 2022 at 11:30 AM. i dont see any lines im afraid. I actually thought it might be sperm leaking out tmi because it was so unusual for me!Hi guys! Last month we started trying for number 2 and I had a chemical pregnancy. . 29K subscribers in the TFABLinePorn community. I am pretty upset with myself that I have been smoking cigarettes, but as soon as I see that positive. j. Nikki O(82) 13/04/2020 at 7:37 am. Add a Comment. . 09K Discussions 3. Please let me know what vvvvfl means. What do you guys think?toomii25. When to Have Baby Shower. 29K subscribers in the TFABLinePorn community. 5. . Your destination to share your HPTs (home pregnancy tests) and our OPKs (ovulation predictor kits). I hate this questioning game 😢12 dpo vvvvfl . Your destination to share your HPTs (home pregnancy tests) and our OPKs (ovulation predictor kits). Congratulations!Hi ladies! I was expecting AF to show up either yesterday or today and have felt crampy (like she was coming), lower back pain and super sluggish the last…Got a vvvvfl on the night of 11. May 28, 2023 at 10:26 AM. Cramps in the abdomen, pelvis, or lower back. The two week wait is stressful and exhausting. Reply. jessb73. My store is out of frer and I’m going crazy 😩Vvvvfl? 12 DPO and I can't tell I kinda see a line but I'm not sure! It's super faint I think. Your destination to share your HPTs (home pregnancy tests) and our OPKs (ovulation predictor kits)…29K subscribers in the TFABLinePorn community. I swear I see something! All taken at 3 min mark. Sad!! I guess this one will just have to be less detailed. VERY moody I took a FRER at 9dpo (early, I know), thought I saw a vvvvvfl, but chalked it up to an indent FRER with FMU at 10dpo looked similar FRER with FMU a. daisyloo33. In Trying to Conceive. So I’m 10DPO and have been testing like a mad woman because I am a self confessed POAS-addict. With my son I was 14-15dpo before it came up. Girl222Mom @Britg93, a. Faint Lines/NO BFPs. And I only had a bfp on 16dpo, following a vvvvfl on 14dpo and BFN. Photo…I've used those same dollar general tests. My cycle is usually 25 or 26 days. I took an frer at 10 DPO the day before a scheduled mammogram, nothing, but I’m not good at seeing all those vvvvfl’s. View the topic on GlowView the topic on GlowThe bottom one is yesterday 12dpo and the top is today. So yesterday at 12dpo I got a vvvfl on a Walmart cheapie, and an even fainter line on an [email protected] cheapie. Pregnancy. After an hour or so pregnancy tests can change anyway as they dry out. Im talking completely white 12dpo and later having a positive. Stacie • Mon, May 17. I’m 10 DPO and have been TTC for 9 months. Braxton Hicks and False Labor. 11dpo vvfl and 12dpo barely noticeable but vvvvfl, do I still have a chance? 11dpo12 dpo. 201K Members. It’s extremely hard to see and even harder to get a good pic but I’m still slightly in shock thinking it might be real. Create your website today. Symptoms point to yes, tests point to no :I’m 11dpo and I had a bfn this morning with fmu.